The Complete Idiot's Guide to Reading with Your Child by Helen Coronato

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Reading with Your Child by Helen Coronato

Author:Helen Coronato
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Penguin Group USA, Inc.
Published: 2011-03-28T00:00:00+00:00

Sticking Up for Oneself

I don’t think there is any more misleading nursery rhyme than “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Giving children pat advice like, “ignore it” or “don’t worry about it” when they are being harassed or tormented is unfair and useless. Words can and do hurt. We can help our children to see that they have choices and help them find the nerve to stick up for themselves without resorting to violence. This also means sticking up for others who are in trouble, and learning the difference between tattling and asking for help. Courage is contagious, and these books can help your child get caught up.

Stop Picking on Me (A First Look At Series), copyright © 2000 Pat Thomas, Lesley Harker

The author, a counselor and psychotherapist, uses simple and direct language to offer solutions that may help your child find the courage to stand up to the neighborhood or schoolyard bully. The illustrations of the little girl bullied in this book will break your heart, as her hurt when singled out by a bully is poignantly depicted. This is a great resource for talking about what is really going on—namely, the awful feelings a bully can make you feel and what you can do to protect yourself.

Say Something, copyright © 2004 Peggy Moss, Lea Lyon

A female narrator carefully explains that while she feels bad for the kids who are teased, she minds her own business and doesn’t join in, either to hurt or help. This plan works until the bullies turn on her and no one comes to her aid. It is then that she realizes she must take action to protect herself and others. This story tackles the complicated question: is a bystander as guilty as a bully? Straight-forward advice and ideas for discussion are included at the back of the book.

Nobody Knew What to Do: A Story About Bullying, copyright © 2001

(Concept Books) Becky Ray McCain, Todd Leonardo

When Ray is picked on by the playground bully, other children want to help, but they are afraid of the consequences of confrontation and instead just hope that the problem goes away. Finally, one boy decides that Ray needs more help than wishful thinking and asks his teacher what to do. Sometimes a problem is too big for children to handle and they need to know that going to an adult is the courageous, not cowardly, thing to do. Learning how to stand up for others is just as important, and difficult, as learning to stand up for oneself.


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